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Quality Over Quantity With Corporate Websites
By Gregory Smyth
Quality over quantity: a truth for so many things in life. The maxim holds true with web marketing strategies and internet marketing in general — more is not always better. The ban on keyword stuffing is a recent example, but the idea should permeate every aspect of your corporate website design, in order to increase your search engine rankings as much as possible.
It seems that many corporations fear deleting information from their website, just in case it is one day needed. This trepidation about letting go of information may actually be driving customers away — leading internet consulting experts and online marketing agencies see customers abandon websites that contain too much information. Websites should be simplified and relevant, otherwise the risk is that the customers that arrive at your website will be driven to a competitor through frustration with not being able to find the information they want. Even worse is the inclusion of content that doesn’t need to be there. Many companies believe that the inclusion of extra content with the relevant keywords will help increase their search engine ranking. While you may earn more click-throughs to your website, it is also highly likely that customers will leave without purchasing or finding the information they need.
In fact, advice from many website optimization services has nothing to do with having plenty of content and instead focuses on the quality of the content that is there, and the quality of how the website is built. This is one of the key points for a successful web marketing strategy. There are other essentials for attracting customers including knowing your keywords; making sure there are keywords in title tags and content; ensuring that JavaScript and CSS are accompanied by content; ensuring that your business contact information is available on each page; and ensuring you engage in link building.
There are other ways to beef up the amount of keyword-focused content on the web that is associated with your website, without actually including this content on your site. Press release distribution services, article distribution and article marketing are all ways to achieve this goal. Ask your Thailand internet consulting service or Thailand SEO expert for further information on how these web marketing strategies could be applied to your company.
The way your website is built is also infinitely more important than having plenty of content on your website pages. Building your website with CSS can be a good complement to PR distribution services and article marketing for internet marketing. Building a website using CSS, or converting an existing one to a CSS-based layout can reduce your bandwidth usage and save money on hosting, as well as helping pages load faster. It can also help increase your search engine ranking by streamlining the page code and making it easier to have the code indexed.